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Quality of Life and Longevity Research - The Apeiron Life Perspective

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

The focus on a rich quality of life rather than just the number of years you live is being emphasized in many aspects of modern health, especially healthcare.

Longevity research has reached the mainstream with debates over supplements and new technological approaches. Yet as exciting as these topics are, the evidence is lacking and sometimes downright contradictory. One day the research may emerge to support one component over another, but we're still in the early stages.

For now, the foundational pillars of Exercise, Nutrition, and Rejuvenation should be your primary focus to increase your quality of life.


  • Focus on consuming various vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, which will provide phytonutrients in a wide range of beneficial areas. The Mediterranean diet is a good base for healthy eating habits.



  • Focus on a consistent routine that combines strength training, aerobic fitness, and everyday physical activities from stretching to walking outside. Heart Rate is a brilliant way to understand your exercise thresholds and reach your goals.

Remember, if you're attempting to increase longevity through a drip system but are drinking from a fire hose of toxins, you're not going to get very far. Our detox explanation to support your increased quality of life can be a great start to your future health.

If you are still curious as to the current state of research regarding longevity supplements, a few topic areas to start on are:

Enhancing your quality of life is our priority here at Apeiron Life, whether today or in your future.


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